Monero (XMR) is rated as the best privacy coin out there, and the transactions that users make are always kept anonymous. Monero has been gaining more and more popularity due to its privacy-centric features, and more XMR enthusiasts are entering the crypto space. Privacy and anonymity are vital features when it comes to crypto, and..
Category: Buying & Selling Monero
How to exchange Monero using Bisq
What is Bisq? Bisq aka BitSquare is a peer-to-peer marketplace for crypto. This is a fully decentralized exchange that requires users no names, email IDs or verification. This is a true anonymous peer-to-peer network that uses Tor and does not hold your fiat or cryptos on their servers or in their account. Each and every..
How to buy Monero with crypto or fiat currencies
Buying Monero can be a more complicated process compared to buying other cryptos because there’s a lack of too many options. You basically have two main ways to buy Monero: using other cryptos and using fiat currency. If you already own other cryptos are you are looking to exchange them for Monero, things will not..
How to convert Monero to BTC using ShapeShift
What is ShapeShift? The ShapeShift platform is one of the fastest ways that you can exchange cryptos and blockchain assets. Via the service, users are able to exchange crypto in seconds, and the exchange also reduces the risk of stolen funds, while at the same time, increasing privacy. It does not require any account or..
How to convert Monero to BTC using
About platform website facilitates entirely anonymous Bitcoin transactions. The website receives Monero (XMR) from users, and in return, it sends a corresponding quantity of Bitcoin on behalf of the users while at the same time obscuring the origins of the payment. First of all, let’s see how the website works and at what..
Why Monero needs atomic swaps as to not rely on centralized exchanges that can freeze funds
Traditional crypto exchanges weaknesses One of the most popular themes in the cryptosphere has been the fact that users had to resort to a small array of centralized exchanges especially in the early days in an unregulated space to deal cryptos. Lots of unfortunate events such as the collapse of Mt. Gox exchange or the..
How to buy Monero via Coinbase, Binance and LocalMonero
The fees that are involved in the purchasing of Monero are usually lower if you buy the crypto straight on a Monero trading exchange such as Kraken. For more significant amounts, it’s recommended that you use an exchange. It can take a few days to send funds to an exchange and get your ID verified..
Monero’s transaction time/speed can vary – Factors that cause variation
As with any other crypto, Monero has its own advantages and disadvantages as well. Its privacy is the main benefit provided by the coin and a potential downside that users can find themselves confronted with is the variation of the transaction’s speed as it can sometimes be a bit slow due to multiple factors. ..