Why use Changelly?
As controversial as it may be, the Changelly crypto exchange is quite flexible when it comes to exchanging XMR to BTC. The exchange is really safe in this regard, and you won’t find yourself with your funds stored because the platform exchanges money right away. There will be no payment IDs and limited amounts involved for this operation, and as a result, it will turn out pretty easy to sell one crypto and buy the other one without having to go deep into the tech related things.
Converting Monero to Bitcoin via Changelly
Here’s a precise guide on how to convert Monero to BTC using the Changelly platform:
- On the exchange’s homepage, choose the amount of XMR that you want to exchange. On the right side of your homepage, you will see the estimated BTC rate and all you have to do is press Exchange.
- Now, check the amount and press Next.
- Write the BTC address of a particular recipient.
- Now, you will have to check the amount and the address carefully. Remember that you can also see the estimated time to process the transactions. If everything is correct, just press “Confirm and make payment.”
- Now, you will see an XMR address that you should be sending Monero to. This is unique, and it’s only for your account. This is why you will not have to enter a payment ID.
- It’s time to go to your wallet and paste the unique XMR address that’s mentioned above the “Receiver Address field.”
- Now, all you have to do is wait until the transaction is finished.
- After the transaction is completed, all you have to do is check your BTC wallet. It’s important to understand that the final rate may differ from the estimated one and the reason is that the final rate is calculated only when the exchange process is completed.
Usually, transactions will take about 20 minutes to complete. If they are larger transactions, for instance, more substantial than 1 BTC, this may take even longer.