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Displaying a Monero ticker on your Mac menu bar

> Tutorial > Displaying a Monero ticker on your Mac menu bar

This short tutorial will show you exactly how to install your very own Monero bar price ticker that is based on open source code. It’s not worth the risk of installing any Monero-specific apps to display the price.

So, make sure to follow these steps in order to install your Monero menu bar price based on open source code:

Installing BitBar

Install BitBar which is an open source app that is able to display content on your Mac menu bar. Head over to the official website of the application and click on “Get the latest” button. Download the latest version which will have a .zip extension.


Locating the zip file

Now, you will have to find the zip file that you have just downloaded with Finder. You will have to double-click it to extract the “BitBar 2.app” Now, you will have to drag the “BitBar 2.app” file to your Applications folder.


Running the app

It’s time to double click the “BitBar 2.app” file in order to run it. Now, you will see “BitBar” appear in your menu bar. Head there and click on it. Now you will have to make sure that the “Open at login” menu option is ticked in order for things to work correctly.


Heading over to the BitBar Monero plugins web page

Now, you have to head over to the BitBar Monero plugins web page. Check out where the plugin you want to use is (for example, USD Bitfinex), and click “Add to Bitbar.” Click to approve, and this is it. You are all done here.


Making sure you are safe

It’s worth noting that the scripts that you are running in order to display the Monero price are just a few lines long and more than that, they are also open source which means that anyone can contribute. On the other hand, this also means that you will have to verify that these are not malicious by looking through the source code here.

There is also an alternative price ticker that you will be able to find here.

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